January 04, 2014

German Pancakes

"German Pancakers" are a BIG hit in this house. Its one of those recipes you try and think that no one would like it, then every LOVES it and wants more but you only made one pan so as mom you have to sacrifice your plate...Wont make THAT mistake again. I now have to make 2 batches to feed my family. Oh and be sure you have enough syrup. I always like to drowned my dishes in the stuff. Syrup makes me happy lol!

6 eggs
1 c. flour
1 c. milk
1 tabl. vanilla
4 tabl. butter
Your fav syrup

Pre heat your oven to 350. Whisk eggs, add flour, milk and vanilla. Melt butter and pour in a 9"x12" glass baking dish and spread around the bottom. Pour your egg mixture in the baking dish and bake 40 min.
You'll know its done when it has large bubbles and is curled up on the sides.

Just looking at the picture makes me want to make some more! 

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